Coconut Water Ice Lollies

These are so simple and yet so delicious. My two young children can’t get enough of them, and neither can I!

I have been a fan of coconut water for a while now as it is so hydrating but also contains relatively low sugar levels. I always try to buy a brand that doesn’t contain added sugars as some do.

That being said whenever freezing something I find it loses quite a bit of sweetness so needs extra in the recipe to make up for it. Have you ever tasted melted ice cream and noticed how much sweeter it tastes than in the frozen form? So for this reason I have added a little rice malt syrup which is my sweetener of choice and I liked that it didn’t add too much colour to the clear lollies.


500ml Coconut water

3tsp Rice malt syrup (could also use maple syrup or date syrup)

Mixed chopped fruit (fresh or frozen), I used fresh Kiwi, Strawberry and blueberry


Volumes vary on how many lollies you would like to make, I made up 500ml of coconut water for 4 large moulds but be mindul you wont use as much as you expect because the fruit takes up so much space so I had a lot left over, luckily I had a few spare moulds so was able to make extra!


Mix the coconut water with rice malt syrup into a jug with a spout. Because my coconut water was cold from the fridge I had to warm it very slightly first in a pan to allow the rice malt syrup to dissolve but it didn’t need much heat at all.

Add chopped fruit to moulds and arrange.

Pour the coconut water mix into the moulds and freeze for a minimum of 4 hours, preferably overnight.

I always find it better to make my ice lollies the day before so I keep an eye on the weather forecast to make sure I have some in the freezer for a hot day. They are great for a hydrating treat and to cool down on those sunny days.

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