Gluten Free Sourdough Starter

This is the the best way of making a gluten free sourdough starter that should work every time.

Brown Rice Sourdough Starter

A simple sourdough starter made from nothing but brown rice and water


  • Glass container
  • Non metal spoon
  • Coffee filter and elastic band
  • High powered blender


  • 1 cup Brown Rice (ground)
  • 1 cup filtered water


  • Clean all your equipment in boiling water
  • Use either brown rice flour or grind your own in a blender
  • I used a Nutri-bullet which worked well and ground 250g at a time
  • Add 1 part flour to 1 part water and mix in the container with a non metal spoon
  • Cover with a loose cap or coffee filter secured with elastic band
  • 'Feed' the starter morning and night for 3-5 days until it doubles and you can see the bubbles
  • You should find the starter increases in size and with layer of water sitting on the top, discard this before feeding
  • After at least one discard step you are ready to use your starter
  • To store, keep the starter covered in the fridge and feed once a week


If you notice any mould or a very unpleasant smell developing please discard this starter and start again. There should be a gentle sour smell from a healthy sourdough. 
If your sourdough gets too big for your container discard and use in your favourite recipe. 

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