
Welcome and thank you for visiting I Choose Wellness.

I hope you will join me on my path as I explore with you what constitutes a healthy diet and lifestyle to determine what is truly healthy, based on current evidence. This is my passion both as a qualified Biochemist and as someone who has battled with health issues over the years.

With so much misinformation out there on what constitutes a healthy diet and lifestyle, my aim is to use my scientific background and knowledge to get to the bottom of what is truly healthy based on trustworthy and current evidence. I will post evidence based reviews on popular health topics as well as healthy recipe ideas that contribute to a balanced diet.

My Background

I graduated many moons ago with a Biochemistry degree from Cardiff University as I have always possessed a fascination with how the body works and the intricate mechanisms which govern our wellbeing. I went on to train and work for the NHS with a special interest in endocrinology and Diabetes. I later became a lecturer at Southampton University in Health Sciences specialising in anatomy and pathophysiology.

I have had many challenges in my life relating to my health, dealing with chronic disease and struggles with maintaining a healthy weight. A significant amount of healing has had to take place before I could get to this stage where I was open to write about and share my experience with the world.

I chose to leave my career on the way to a PhD in order manage my health issues and to raise my children. As a mother in lockdown I have decided to use this web platform to share health and wellness ideas that can be fantastic for the whole family.

On my journey I have realised that making improvements in my health isn’t down to good genes or good luck, it is a choice, whether it is conscious or un-conscious, it is still a choice. For me it has taken a bit of leg work to delve into the deeper reasons for my decision making. Once I was able to consciously say I CHOOSE WELLNESS everything fell into place and I was able to begin to forge a new path to health, wellbeing and happiness.

I look forward to embarking on this journey with you

Yours in wellness



The views and opinions expressed on this website do not represent the views and opinions of the organisations that I have previously worked with or that I am currently affiliated with, they are purely based on my own opinions and experiences. I am not a doctor or dietician and this site is not designed to offer medical advice, purely to educate and inform, please seek the guidance of your healthcare provider when making any changes to your diet, lifestyle or medications.